Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ramming Speed!

Now, I bet you wouldn't put that title right along side a sweet little mini hinny???  

But, that is just what it describes, DIESEL!

In case you don't know what a mini hinny is; he is 1/2 miniature horse and 1/2 miniature Sicilian Donkey.  He has very horse like traits (versus the long donkey ears), and other characteristics that puts him in the hinny category.

Because Diesel is a miniature little guy, his diet must match his size.  BUT, Diesel likes Eddie's hay better (our almost 16-hand gelding).  Eddie gets some alfalfa because he is a very big boy with very big nutritional needs.  Diesel gets VERY NICE straight grass hay.  He is, by no means, starved - he pretty much has hay available all day long!  We have also put in a Paddock Paradise for he and Scout to share to be sure they get lots of exercise, lots of movement, some grass, feeling like they are out in the pasture, etc., etc., etc.  Bottom line, Diesel has got a REALLY nice set up here.

In order to accommodate each horse's special dietary needs, each guy has his own paddock.  That way at feeding time, there is no fighting, no dominance games, and everybody gets the right kind of feed according to their waistline!  And Diesels happens to be the biggest.  We are working on that!

Anyway, in order to keep his "Princeliness" out of the big boy's hay, we had to up our "security" (if you will).  In other words, despite the fence dividing the paddocks we had to add snow fencing to keep Diesel on his side of the buffet table!
 He is SO mad about this.  He is a roamer.  He loves to be on the move.  So, the fact that he 1. can not roam everywhere he wants, and 2. he cannot get to the really good alfalfa hay has made this a very unhappy little mini hinny.  It actually is sort of cute!  We give him so much love and attention, that I am sure he will get through this.

That is Scout the paint and Eddie on the right.  They are just so good about this new little change to their paddock - truly, they could care less.  They take these changes in stride!

But not Diesel.  Now to the reason for the title of this post.  Diesel, today, decided he was not happy with the new arrangement and "head-butted" smack into the fence and ripped it open (the fence that is, not his head!).  Ah, now he can get back over to Eddie's side of the paddock.  So, we tried to shore it up (in the freezing cold, I might add).  And WHAM!  He rammed right through it again.  There was just no stopping this little guy.  He was quite determined.

I think Lea finally got it fixed so he couldn't go under it (yes, he did that too - do you see that orange fence that is touching the ground - he somehow went under it), he couldn't ram through it, and he was finally contained.

I do feel kind of sorry for him.  He doesn't do real well with change.  I have learned a lot about how he sees the world by reading Temple Grandin's book, Animals in Translation.  If you have animals - read this book!  It will completely change how you interact with your pets!

Anyway, here is to a better day tomorrow for our little guy.  Lea and I will shower him with lots of love, take him for walks, and help him through this little crisis he feels he is being put through.
Lots of love and lots of carrots always help make things right with the world!

Friday, August 13, 2010

One Little Moment

It has been really hot here lately – humid and in the 90’s. So we aren’t doing very much with the horses. They are turned out to pasture, occasionally hosed off, and then brought in to their dry lots/stalls to rest, sleep, eat, and be in the shade and in front of their fans. They seem very happy with the routine and look forward to when we are out and being busy in the barn.
Since Diesel has come to the farm, we have had no expectations from him. We wanted him to learn to trust us, become part of the herd, be healthy, feel safe, and just take some time to settle into our farm routine.
He has been here for 16 months. He has simply become part of our family. However, since we really don’t ask much of him, he sort of just goes along with the herd. When Scout and Eddie are being played with, Diesel usually just comes along and hangs out. We know he has been trained to drive, but that seems to have been a very frightening experience for him. He sees no point to the Parelli games, so he just goes along. And that’s okay!
He loves long walks, treats, and scratches – so that pretty much is what we do with him.
Some days I wonder if he is bored. As he just sort of has that look about him. On those days I will take him for an extra walk (or ask Lea or Allison to), groom him, or just hang out with him.
But this morning, we had this moment. It was a moment that I have longed for since he came to live with us. He was just waking up from a nap when I went over to take off his fly mask and just say hello. I took off his mask, proceeded to give him some gentle scratches and he leaned over to me and put his head right up next to me. He just leaned on me, sort of laying his head against me. I softly whispered in his ear and he didn’t move. I kept talking softly, just telling him how much I loved him, how glad I was that he was with us, and kept on scratching. He continued to lean on me. We just stood for a moment, together. I could really feel that he felt safe; new he was loved, and seemed to be content.
It was a moment I will never forget; because that moment was the reason we spent 6 months trying to rescue him and spent the last 16 months building trust. What a gift that moment was. How lucky am I that I had the opportunity to experience it. Thank you Diesel, for being a teacher of patience, a companion like no other, and a little donk who is willing to share his heart!
Love, your mom - Marianne

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Catch Me if You Can!

This is Diesel.
I have found a new game!
And it is FUN!

So, the humans put me in the same paddock as the bi-colored wonder. (aka Scout)
 Then I sneak through the fence...

And get in with the monochromatic hypochondriac.

And he chases me!
So I kick him with my powerful little distal appendages!

Then the quiet human scolds the Edward, and I get to run back into my pen.
It's like a game of tag.

But I always win.

The End!

Friday, July 9, 2010

A New Friendship

Well, I have not been here in some time. And that is a good thing! Only because things are going along really well and Diesel is just being allowed to be Diesel! Diesel is really doing great. I think that is because we have no expectations from him. We have decided that "doing" specific tasks are something he finds intimidating. So, we have come to enjoy long walks all around the property and that is really helping him connect to us. I think he see a purpose for being with us.
He and Eddie have struck up quite a keen friendship. We have always put Diesel with Scout since Scout was the easier going in the herd. They always got along great and Scout doesn't ever "pick" on Diesel because he is so much smaller. But Diesel has had other ideas.
When the herd is dry lotted, Diesel and Scout are right next to each other, so we would very often open up the gate that separates them and they would be together. Well, Diesel can then get easily over to Eddie. The two of them would play through the fence. It was really something to watch. They seem to have formed quite an attachment. So much so, that Diesel started to walk and wiggle through the fence and we would find him in Eddie's dry lot.....with Eddie!
They would nap together, Diesel would eat Eddie's hay with him. It is really rather amusing.
Now, the whole reason we always kept Diesel and Eddie separated was because Eddie is almost 16 hands and Diesel is 9. Eddie is the herd leader and VERY playful. So, a few times when they accidentally got together, Eddie would want to "play." We were worried that Eddie's play might inadvertently hurt Diesel. So, we, us humans, decided they should be separated. Diesel thought differently.
So, almost everyday, Diesel slips through the fence and there they are together. We keep a watchful eye, but so far-so good!
So, the mostly unlikely friendships can form when you least expect them!
Way to go Diesel. You know exactly what YOU need! :o)
Hope to keep you updated more regularly on the life and times of our little mini hinny!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I love my walks!

Yes, Diesel loves his walks!

Lea, the quiet and shy one comes up to halter me. She slips it over my nose, and gently lifts it behind my ears. I love how gentle these people are.
She opens my gate and leads me out to the yard, where I graze and munch on some clover. But she has one thing that makes me REALLY interested!
Her treat bag.
She wiggles it and I lift up my head.

MMmmmm.......... Pure BLISS!

sweet feed.

My favorite!!!!!!!!

So I eat some more grass, before we go on a walk. Through the pine trees, under the wahoo trees, through the mosquitoes, and then through some bushes too.
I love these walks and they make me so interested.
Then she wiggles that treat bag again...


More sweet feed!

I love it.

I love these peoples!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Herd Dynamics with a Mini Hinny

Last week Eddie our big gelding got hurt. He had a bit of a tussle with a T-post....and the T-post won! He cut up his backs legs pretty bad, so he had to be stalled and kept sort of quiet. So, when one of our horses are on "bed rest," we keep the whole herd together. When one is stalled, everybody is stalled!
Luckily it rained so we would have kept them in anyway. But Diesel wasn't too happy about this arrangement. Eddie had to be kept in his stall or paddock for about 4 days. Lea would hand graze him, so we would put Diesel and Scout in the outdoor to at least get a little grazing in and some exercise. But Diesel, again, wasn't too happy about this arrangement.
He is a funny little bug. When he wants to go, he sure acts like he doesn't need his herd. But, if Scout and Eddie leave, better not leave Diesel behind.
Every day we bring in the horses and feed them at 5:30. If the weather is good, we leave their stall doors open and they can come and go in their paddocks. If it is too windy or crummy weather, we close up their doors. I think one of Diesel's favorite time of day is after we feed and go back out about 7:00, he loves to be taken out of his stall and taken for a walk and a graze. No problem leaving his herd behind. He really acts like he could care less.
BUT, a couple weeks ago, our trimmer Mike was out to trim up the big boys. So, while Eddie gets trimmed, Scout usually grazes so they can see each other or vice versa.
Let me tell you what a fit Diesel threw. He could not see them and he wanted out! I have never heard him be so vocal. He has the kookiest little whinny/bray thing. He was fit to be tied!
So, interesting how herd dynamics affect him.
Kinda' my way or the highway! Go figure! :o)

Friday, April 23, 2010

He is Such a Good Boy!

He loves to roll, get all dirty, and lay in the sun!
What a cutie bug!
We have been trying to play in the outdoor arena lately. Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes....it just goes. We have been playing the catching game. I attempt to "hide his hiney" and once he puts two eyes on me I relax into "neutral." Hopefully, he comes over to me and when he does he gets a treat. Then, hopefully, he will "stick with me" and we will go and do different things.
So, sometimes it goes well and he is interested and SO playful and then other times he sort of shuts down like he is afraid. So, we have decided to let that rest for a while and just take long walks around the property. THAT, he really seems to enjoy. So that it shall be.
I have always said that I hope to really find Diesel's joy. I think I have. He is so content to be with this herd, get treats out of my coat pocket, lots of scratches and love, a nice pile of hay, and a good long walk. So that is what we will do.
Until, he changes his mind and decides he would like to do something else!
And that is just fine with me.
Along with Scott and the girls, he is my joy! My only goal is to return the favor!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Exciting News from the U.K.

I met a wonderful woman on the Parelli Forum named Sharon. I sent her a brief private message regarding donkeys and mules. Her picture (avatar) on the forum was of two of the cutest donkeys ever. So, thinking she might own donks, I was hoping she could help me.
Well, I came to find out that she is a donkey foster mom, and works for a donkey sanctuary in England. How amazing is that!
I was really trying to find more information about "how donkey's/mules think!" There just isn't much information out there! Well, not only did she send me donkey behavour PDF's, but then she offered to mail me a whole packet about donkey's and mules.
What a wonderful gal! I learned more from her than any Parelli instructor, vet, professional, etc.!
So, a huge thank you to a lovely lady I have never met, but jumped right in to help me out with more information into the amazing world of Diesel's mind!

Doin' Amazing!

Well, we have been playing only a couple of times with the help of our resident professional, Lea! Diesel and I go out to our outdoor arena and play "catch me" and "stick to me." He is so interested and really seems to like it. I wish there were more days in the month. Lea pitches in and plays with him when I am busy with "life" chores or at work. I wish I had more time!

I am feeling SO confident that we are truly finding Diesel's joy! That has been my heartfelt wish since the day we got him! (Which our one year anniversary is quickly approaching at the end of this month!)

Diesel has become such a wonderful part of our farm family! His confidence grows each day and he is starting to become more interesting in playing with us and much more willing. And on days that he is JUST NOT INTERESTED one little bit, he just makes us laugh and love him more!

The weather is quickly approaching temperatures when he can get a bath. And boy does he need it! I can't wait. The last bath he had was last spring/early summer when he first came here. And quite frankly, we were all pretty unsure how he would react! This year it will be so much easier and thorough! Since he was very afraid to have his "back half" even touched, much less bathed....well, you get the picture. He is a dirty little mini hinny! Soon!

Lea is keeping a keen eye on his feet and keeping them trimmed up nicely. Don't think Mike our trimmer will ever get close to him again. Being a 6 foot-something extrovert..well, that just doesn't mix well with Diesel's personality!
Nice Job Lea!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Oh, no excuses, I haven't been here for forever! I am determined to change that though because there are new things happening in Diesel's little hinny life!
He is doing great by the way! Loving all the mud that spring has to offer, being with his herd and buggin' them! But, mostly, enjoying the spring grass coming up. We really have to watch he and Scout, because spring grass can be great nutritionally, but dangerous sugar-wise. So, the boys are rotated on and off the grass and they are pretty content with their spring routine.
Okay, anyway, back to Diesel. Wow, he is doing amazing. There was a 5-star professional that was offering video coaching and Lea and I decided to send a video to him. That was SO disappointing. All he could say after watching a 15 minute video was to give Diesel more treats. Well, let me tell you, Diesel should be an orange mini hinny for all the carrot treats he gets.
But, God is so good and opened another door for us! We belong to a forum for people who are involved in Parelli. I sent a message to a lovely gal who had a picture of mules on her post and thought perhaps she had mules and could share some experiences with me.
Well, this dear woman, Sharon, has shared more with me in the last 48 hours than I could hope to get from any 5-star professional! So, we are really beginning to understand how Diesel "thinks" which helps us be more interesting for him.
Lea has once again not abandoned me with her brilliant Parelli ways and is helping me with Diesel. (Poor Lea is always at the mercy of "when" I have time to play with Diesel. Months may pass before I get going again and she is always there to guide me through! So thank you Lea, once again)
She is having me play "stick to me" with Diesel. And we have only done it twice and what a change in his perception of me. Sort of like, "by golly, this little chap is really interested in me and what I am doing." Stick to me is Diesel being at Liberty in our outdoor and I drive his hindquarters away and once he looks at me with both eyes, I go into a neutral position and put my hand out and ask him to draw into me. And he does by golly!!!! It might take 10-15 times of gently driving his hindquarters, but he gets it!!! Once he is interested in me he will actually "stick" to me and walk with me, hop up on the pedestal with me, put his nose on something. WOW!!!!!
So, stay tuned for my next play session which will be on Thursday. (Drat, I have to work all day tomorrow).
If you haven't been around Diesel's blog for a while, I promise to be more diligent so you can enjoy his journey as much as we are!