Monday, May 25, 2009


I cannot say how thankful I am! You really helped me out with Diesel.

Little Diesel was watching this new guy with weary eyes. What do you want? He held out his hand and I sniffed it. Oop, no way! You smell like a predator! I turned around the other way and pulled. The girl I learned to trust, pulled me back. I guess that was the wrong answer. The guy tried to rub me, but I pulled back. No way! He took my line and continued to rub me. There was something interesting about this guy. He released when I stopped fussing and seemed to talk my language. I didn't like when he held my feet, but these two, the girl and this guy, had something about them. They were different then those people who tried to rope me.
They continued to pick up my feet, release when I stopped and rubbed me continuously. He picked up my back feet and after a while of pulling I gave in. These humans would have eaten me by now if they were predators. Maybe I can trust them
All four feet were picked up and rasped off.

I thought we wouldn't be able to do it, but the power of LOVE, LANGUAGE and LEADERSHIP really shone through to me. I continue to learn more every day about wild horses, extroverted horses, introverted horses. I never want to stop! Lord willing, I want to go all the way.
It's like I knew we need to plunge into the friendly game (see last post) but I never did. Diesel and Mike showed me just how important it is. Things we often take for granted, like rubbing the hind quarters, can mean so much to a little, wild pony.
I continued to do a session with him tonight and I was able to rub both his back legs without him caring. If you were watching Mike and I today, you would know that it was a BIG deal.
Being introduced the natural way.
We're getting there!
Now for the right front.
Taking a small break.
Back feet.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

An Inner Game of Confidence

What is the first game? What is it's second name?
The Friendly Game & The Confidence Game
When I groomed Diesel yesterday it really put those two things into perspective. I realized that all my grooming was a desensitization and he was getting really good with it. I was also able to pick out Diesel's front feet, sand them off, and his back left and sand that one off too. Then we worked with picking up his back right. It wasn't terrible, he didn't kick at all (I don't think he's a kicker) and I was able to hold it with my hands for a few seconds. When I go to pick it up he always takes a step back, so I have to friendly it more. Desensitization! =-D
I could see his wheels turning the entire time. He was licking and chewing and was really getting into the concept. I remember my mom saying, "Cookies don't work for him, they make him too *she shakes her hands* crazy." I smile now because that is so true. This RBI doesn't need cookies. He needs a release. That why I feel so good about taking him on. He needs a Level 3 student. Colt starting is a Level 4 and beyond endeavour, and he is pretty close to the term 'colt starting.' He's small, and hasn't been handled for a year, maybe more...
I felt like yesterday we really bonded. I understood him, and in return he understood me. We were on the same page, just turning them one step at a time.

Monday, May 18, 2009

No Brace

Diesel stood by the gate waiting for me. I crawled through the fence and waited for him to come to me. He walked over and I rubbed his face. Scout came over on his other side and stood by waiting for his scratch. I rubbed Diesel's neck and let the lead rope fall over his other side. I took the end and that was the first time I could get near him, halter him without any brace. I haltered with savvy and clipped the 12 on his halter. Wow! He didn't even flinch. I preceded to let Scout on the pasture and I worked with Diesel's feet. I rubbed his legs and sanded his hoovsies off.
No brace,
no problem!
If you don't force there's no resistance!


Friday, May 8, 2009

Patience meets Understanding

As I gazed at this little pony standing in his buddy's stall I sighed. I had to tip my hat to him because he had given me a workout. It all started when I had picked up his front feet. He didn't seem to mind, he pulled back and hopped around a bit, but it's only been 2 weeks since he came here. I leaned against the stall and squatted down to his height. He seemed to be thanking me for something. I had tried to pick up his back feet and that was very hard then. But his little black, blissful eyes blinked slowly. It seemed to me that he was thanking me for not getting mad. That I had given him time to think and I didn't yell, or get frustrated. He sighed and licked his lips. The universal way of thinking. I stood back up and reached down his forearm. He pulled back and I waited. He lifted it slowly and I backed up. My way of saying 'thank you.' Tried again and he did it again. This time I held it for a minute. Then I backed up and gave him a reward.
He's getting the idea that when he gets his feet picked up nothing will happen.
It's going to take time... and patience... and understanding...
