Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What a boy!

Gosh life has been busy. Busy with farm events, busy with horses, busy with homeschooling. Busy, busy, busy! BUT, I want to make time to post about all the comings and goings of our little Diesel! He is but one word ~~ amazing.

When we brought Diesel home, some folks around here recognized him. Told us he was a "bugger," that he was a kicker, that he was difficult, that he did not trust, that he did not bond, that he was just..... more or less a pain in the neck.

Well, everyone was WRONG.

He is NOT a "bugger," he does NOT kick, he is NOT difficult, he DOES trust, he DOES bond, and he is the apple of my eye!

All because...... yep, you guessed it...... we took the time it takes - so it took less time. We are letting him just be who he is and we respect him for that. And, in return he is absolutely wonderful.

He does think the Parelli 7 games are a waste of his time. BUT, I know that once I up my savvy and help him become more interested, we will be doing some fun and interesting things. Things that even Diesel will think are worthwhile.

So, he is doing great. This is truly home for him and he is a happy little mini hinny here with his herd and here on our farm.

Thanks for checking in!


P.S. I promise to be more timely with Diesel's updates, because his journey is worth the read!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Seven Games

Diesel has been doing so great with the 7 games lately.
Friendly Game is going great. The carrot stick is his biggest hurdle (looks like a whip) but I've been able to rub his belly with it and he's doing much better with it. 
Porcupine Game is light and responsive! He is so light. All yields are Level 1!
Driving Game is going well with his HQ and his FQ are coming along nicely. All Level 1!
Yoyo Game is GREAT! Completely Level 1! He backs up with just a phase 2 or 1.
Circling Game is getting there. He's done two laps without breaking gait, so it's coming along. Now we just have to get him engaged! =-)
Sideways Game is going slow. He's taken one step though! YAY DIESEL!
Squeeze Game he has down pat. He does it great!
Yep so that's where we're at! Here are pictures from yesterday. Diesel was following Scout around on the circle. "Look! I know how to circle too!"