As I gazed at this little pony standing in his buddy's stall I sighed. I had to tip my hat to him because he had given me a workout. It all started when I had picked up his front feet. He didn't seem to mind, he pulled back and hopped around a bit, but it's only been 2 weeks since he came here. I leaned against the stall and squatted down to his height. He seemed to be thanking me for something. I had tried to pick up his back feet and that was very hard then. But his little black, blissful eyes blinked slowly. It seemed to me that he was thanking me for not getting mad. That I had given him time to think and I didn't yell, or get frustrated. He sighed and licked his lips. The universal way of thinking. I stood back up and reached down his forearm. He pulled back and I waited. He lifted it slowly and I backed up. My way of saying 'thank you.' Tried again and he did it again. This time I held it for a minute. Then I backed up and gave him a reward.
He's getting the idea that when he gets his feet picked up nothing will happen.
It's going to take time... and patience... and understanding...
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