Well, Diesel is doing remarkable. We are finding his joy!! He loves to be free (at liberty, Parelli calls it). He loves to run around, ring his neck and chase after the big boys. He has a personality that is abundantly wonderful! He packs a lot of spunk for a 36" high equine.
He never fails to amuse us. Lately, he wants to be in the snow and dig around until he finds a little patch of grass. Then he rolls and jumps and kicks up his heels! I do believe that he completely prefers the mud to snow, but he makes the best of it.
He has a bit of a hard time when we have to keep him in during bad weather. But he does really well and tries very hard to please. After being left to roam around 24 acres, I know life in a stall - for even just a few hours, tests his patience. But, the great thing is he loves lock up time. We stall our herd at night to keep everybody safe. And he, like the big boys, loves to come in at night, he takes a big deep breath is ready for hot mash and fresh hay. We check the boys usually once in the early evening and then right before we all head to sleep and many times we will find him dozing in his corner and flat out laying down. All the horses seem to really like life in the barn at night!
So, we will continue to work on Liberty play time and help Diesel just have fun. It is so rewarding to watch him blossom and trust, want to play, and settle in so securely here on our farm!
Winter Blessings to you all!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Finding Diesel's Joy
The days go by so quickly. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day activities and responsibilities. But, every now and then you have a day that stands out in your mind.
I have been wondering how to find Diesel's "JOY." How to make him so interested in me and what I am doing with him. He is so kind, obedient, does what he is told...... but where was his JOY???? When I would lead him, I would walk right by his side with my hand on his withers. I wanted him to know me as his partner. I always felt like I disrespected him if I would lead him and walk in front of him. Even though he is the smallest of the herd, he deserves to be respected and treated with dignity. So, I would look in his eyes everyday that I fed him, played with him, groomed him and wonder -- how do I find his JOY? What makes him happy?
I think I finally found it!! On days when I just don't have the time to play the Parelli games with Diesel, but Allison and Lea have Scout and Eddie in the big pasture, we turn Diesel loose to just graze and be with the herd. I usually start out doing a little something with him. Maybe a couple games, maybe I might hope for one complete circle during the circling game, maybe a cavaletti or sideways. Anyway, usually after 15 or 20 minutes I turn him loose to just hang out in the pasture while the other boys are playing, since I usually have something I SHOULD be doing.
Well, last week, after I turned him loose, I walked up to him to doing something - a treat, a pat on the face, can't really remember. But, off he trotted, away from me, ringing his neck. Hmmm..... sort of a catching game?? So, I pursued him again and this time he ran off, ringing his neck, almost skipping ~~ do horses skip???? Not really, but he looked like it! So, we did this for another 15 minutes or so and he just looked like he was having a blast. Running around, getting in the big boy's way, ringing his neck, maybe even a little buck or poke!
I think I found his JOY! A silly little game of "you can't catch me," but a connection that brings us closer together each and every day. I'm glad that day that I put off my things I thought I SHOULD have been doing and took a little time with him. Because, like I said, I think I found a little piece of JOY in this little hinny's life. I don't believe he has had a lot of JOY in his life. So this was very special.
What a blessing this little, fuzzy white guy is in my life! Thank you Diesel, for always making me smile, for giving me a reason to go to the barn every day, for just bringing "JOY" into my life everyday. I hope I continue to grow and give you as much JOY as you give me!
Friday, November 6, 2009
I Get So MAD!!
Okay, so this is from Diesel's point of view - he is such a sweet pea! I just gotta share:

"Grrrr....... I get so mad! I love my new people and I would never hurt them. But when I get left behind, I just wanna spit!!! (Can Hinnys spit????)"
"Okay, so here is the deal. The two cute blondes that usually fuss over me, take out the two other dudes. That really big fat guy Eddie and the one I like to pick on, Scout (I love to run up behind him and BITE HIS BUTT). AND I GET LEFT BEHIND!!! So, I run around and ring my neck and let them know I am madder than a ..... oh, I don't know what."
"So, I throw my little Diesel temper-tantrum and they come runnin'! Woo-Hoo, works every time. And what do they do with me.......put me in the pasture to graze, graze, graze!"
"Ah, life is good." Until the next time they leave me behind and we do it all again!"
"I love this family ~~ they are such pushovers!"
See ya next time! Diesel!
"Grrrr....... I get so mad! I love my new people and I would never hurt them. But when I get left behind, I just wanna spit!!! (Can Hinnys spit????)"
"Okay, so here is the deal. The two cute blondes that usually fuss over me, take out the two other dudes. That really big fat guy Eddie and the one I like to pick on, Scout (I love to run up behind him and BITE HIS BUTT). AND I GET LEFT BEHIND!!! So, I run around and ring my neck and let them know I am madder than a ..... oh, I don't know what."
"So, I throw my little Diesel temper-tantrum and they come runnin'! Woo-Hoo, works every time. And what do they do with me.......put me in the pasture to graze, graze, graze!"
"Ah, life is good." Until the next time they leave me behind and we do it all again!"
"I love this family ~~ they are such pushovers!"
See ya next time! Diesel!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Diesel Goes Dutch!
In a manner of speaking that is! A couple weeks ago, Scott had several days off in a row and the weather truly cooperated! So, we cut through the east side of Diesel's wall and put in a little dutch door for him. He also got a new gate to Scout's paddock run and a great little paddock of his own.

So, each of our boys (all 3) have dutch doors that lead to individual paddocks. We rotate all of them on either pasture or our Paddock Paradise Track. Scout and Diesel get the track and Eddie gets the pasture. They all three have very different nutritional needs, so this has worked out to be a real blessing at feeding time. We can weigh each of the boys hay and know exactly how much they are eating each day. And there are no fights over who eats what.
So we have a little more tidying up to do on Diesel's stall. His inside gate (as you can see) still needs to be trimmed down and painted. and we need a little more ag lime in his turnout to be sure there are no depressions that can collect rain - or ice - as we move into the winter months.
It is going to be a glorious winter with our new little member of the herd. Diesel is already getting so fuzzy and ready for the cold months. We changed the clocks back this past weekend and everybody is adjusting to the new routine. But all are doing well.
I just love this little guy. Imagine if I had not stopped and taken the time to inquire about him. Who knows where he would be right now! But, as my daughters continue to remind me, I can't live in the past when he was abandonded. He lives in the now and so must I. Wise words from wise young women!
So, each of our boys (all 3) have dutch doors that lead to individual paddocks. We rotate all of them on either pasture or our Paddock Paradise Track. Scout and Diesel get the track and Eddie gets the pasture. They all three have very different nutritional needs, so this has worked out to be a real blessing at feeding time. We can weigh each of the boys hay and know exactly how much they are eating each day. And there are no fights over who eats what.
So we have a little more tidying up to do on Diesel's stall. His inside gate (as you can see) still needs to be trimmed down and painted. and we need a little more ag lime in his turnout to be sure there are no depressions that can collect rain - or ice - as we move into the winter months.
It is going to be a glorious winter with our new little member of the herd. Diesel is already getting so fuzzy and ready for the cold months. We changed the clocks back this past weekend and everybody is adjusting to the new routine. But all are doing well.
I just love this little guy. Imagine if I had not stopped and taken the time to inquire about him. Who knows where he would be right now! But, as my daughters continue to remind me, I can't live in the past when he was abandonded. He lives in the now and so must I. Wise words from wise young women!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I'm FREEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The gate was open from the paddock to the outside world. Allison was catching her pony, Scout, that was full of energy and Diesel was waiting behind him. You can guess what happened next. Allison took Scout out, Diesel followed...
"Watch this Scout!" I ran out from behind Scout and in front of him. I could hear the human behind me yelling to the other human, Lea out in the pasture. I was headed to the gate. It was OPEN!!!
"LEA!" the human behind me yelled. Then Lea ran from the pasture to TRY and catch me. Oop, can't get me! I'm goin to the trailer! Haha, not the dad too! Weehoo!!! I'm going through the corncrib. Scout whinnied for me, "I'll be back Scouty!" I answered. I pranced through the pumpkin field while the humans yelled. I could hear one of them wiggle the grain bucket. Who needs grain?! I'm FREE!!!!!!!!! I galloped through the driveway and back around the garage. The whole time the humans are trying to get to come to the grain. Ok, fine. I trotted up to Lea, she had the grain. I grabbed a bite and ran off again! She wasn't happy. Then the dad came around. haha, watch this Eddie! Who is now galloping in the pasture. What a moron. I trotted through the tomatoes and galloped back up from behind the round pen. Aw man... Dad and Lea got me in the corner of the round pen and the pasture. I was cornered. Lea tried to feed me grain, but who needs grain? Eddie whinied again. I rolled my eyes. "You're not supposed to leave the humans Diesel!!!" He said. "They are part of the herd!" Ah, yeah no Ed... You baby! Then Allison, the person who so kindly let me out, opened the pasture wire and I went in. Fine... I guess my 15 MINUTES of freedom is over...
"Watch this Scout!" I ran out from behind Scout and in front of him. I could hear the human behind me yelling to the other human, Lea out in the pasture. I was headed to the gate. It was OPEN!!!
"LEA!" the human behind me yelled. Then Lea ran from the pasture to TRY and catch me. Oop, can't get me! I'm goin to the trailer! Haha, not the dad too! Weehoo!!! I'm going through the corncrib. Scout whinnied for me, "I'll be back Scouty!" I answered. I pranced through the pumpkin field while the humans yelled. I could hear one of them wiggle the grain bucket. Who needs grain?! I'm FREE!!!!!!!!! I galloped through the driveway and back around the garage. The whole time the humans are trying to get to come to the grain. Ok, fine. I trotted up to Lea, she had the grain. I grabbed a bite and ran off again! She wasn't happy. Then the dad came around. haha, watch this Eddie! Who is now galloping in the pasture. What a moron. I trotted through the tomatoes and galloped back up from behind the round pen. Aw man... Dad and Lea got me in the corner of the round pen and the pasture. I was cornered. Lea tried to feed me grain, but who needs grain? Eddie whinied again. I rolled my eyes. "You're not supposed to leave the humans Diesel!!!" He said. "They are part of the herd!" Ah, yeah no Ed... You baby! Then Allison, the person who so kindly let me out, opened the pasture wire and I went in. Fine... I guess my 15 MINUTES of freedom is over...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hi everybody,

Diesel is doing so well. I just have to tell you that in a short six months (yep, he has been here for six months already) he is just a member of our herd; like he has been here forever. He loves to cozy up for scratches, waits patiently for a handful (or two, or three) of sweet feed, gets a little TOO confident and wants to bite the big boys, and even gets a little bratty with us. But bratty in such a sweet way. And boy does he have energy. He and Scout ran about 5 laps around the track the other day. Even Lea got concerned.....are they gonna stop?!?!?!? He is such a nut. He rings his neck like he is the big boss, trots around like he owns the place, and is such a happy exuberant camper! I kept waiting for him to show us some inkling of his spunky hinny-enality -- I guess we just needed to wait for the cooler weather!
The other day he reached over to take a little nip from Lea and she responded, "oh, how cute is that!" Tells you where are heads are at with loving our boys. I think many folks would have yelled, "hey, quit that." Not us. We never want to knock the curiosity out of our boys. And, the best part is that we know he is not doing to be mean, but just to play. Because it is the kind of little nip that makes you smile.
Recently, Lea's very good friend Rebecca informed us that her barn owner rescued 3 mini's. Some older gentleman, all in a good way, bought these 2 mini horses and a mini donkey to give them a home. But, once he bought them, he basically just opened the trailer and let them be wild in a pasture (with food water and shelter, of course) for a couple of years. So, they haven't been handled by humans for those years. The 2 mini horses are shy, but coming around, but the mini donk is really feral. Oh, how I wish we could take him. I would take him in a minute and just help him to trust again. But, we are so totally out of room. As it is, we had to convert part of our aisleway into a stall for Diesel! So, sadly, he is off to a sale and who knows what will happen to the little dear. If you have room for him and would like to help him to learn to trust again, let me know!!!!
Anyway, back to Diesel. He progresses every day. We give him lots of space. And, it is good to know on these very cold and rainy days we have been having lately, he is warm and dry inside with all the hay he can eat!
Tomorrow promises to be sunnier. So while I am at work, perhaps I can have Lea play more games and begin to take him into Parelli Level Two! He is ready!
So, Diesel says hi and wants everybody to know that if he can learn to trust and become part of a family, any horse can!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Get off your... short horse?
Lately Diesel thinks he is Mr. High and Mighty. What did they say about Seabiscut? He may be little, but he is fierce. The funny thing, Diesel doesn't think he's short. Although he was going to bite Eddie on the rump when they were together,but he thought twice about that. "Hmm, maybe I am short!"
So when my mom played the seven games with him he did a few figure eights.... and... just... left! "I've had enough of these things!" LBIntroverts do need variety! So when this rain stops, we're going to play with some transitions and traveling circles over some poles. We shall see if that engages his mind. =-)
So when my mom played the seven games with him he did a few figure eights.... and... just... left! "I've had enough of these things!" LBIntroverts do need variety! So when this rain stops, we're going to play with some transitions and traveling circles over some poles. We shall see if that engages his mind. =-)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What a boy!
Gosh life has been busy. Busy with farm events, busy with horses, busy with homeschooling. Busy, busy, busy! BUT, I want to make time to post about all the comings and goings of our little Diesel! He is but one word ~~ amazing.
When we brought Diesel home, some folks around here recognized him. Told us he was a "bugger," that he was a kicker, that he was difficult, that he did not trust, that he did not bond, that he was just..... more or less a pain in the neck.
Well, everyone was WRONG.
He is NOT a "bugger," he does NOT kick, he is NOT difficult, he DOES trust, he DOES bond, and he is the apple of my eye!
All because...... yep, you guessed it...... we took the time it takes - so it took less time. We are letting him just be who he is and we respect him for that. And, in return he is absolutely wonderful.

He does think the Parelli 7 games are a waste of his time. BUT, I know that once I up my savvy and help him become more interested, we will be doing some fun and interesting things. Things that even Diesel will think are worthwhile.
So, he is doing great. This is truly home for him and he is a happy little mini hinny here with his herd and here on our farm.
Thanks for checking in!
P.S. I promise to be more timely with Diesel's updates, because his journey is worth the read!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Seven Games
Diesel has been doing so great with the 7 games lately.
Friendly Game is going great. The carrot stick is his biggest hurdle (looks like a whip) but I've been able to rub his belly with it and he's doing much better with it.
Porcupine Game is light and responsive! He is so light. All yields are Level 1!
Driving Game is going well with his HQ and his FQ are coming along nicely. All Level 1!
Yoyo Game is GREAT! Completely Level 1! He backs up with just a phase 2 or 1.
Circling Game is getting there. He's done two laps without breaking gait, so it's coming along. Now we just have to get him engaged! =-)
Sideways Game is going slow. He's taken one step though! YAY DIESEL!
Squeeze Game he has down pat. He does it great!
Yep so that's where we're at! Here are pictures from yesterday. Diesel was following Scout around on the circle. "Look! I know how to circle too!"
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Rain and My Friends the Wimps!
(From Diesel's perspective)
Remember the part of the Wizard of Oz where the wicked witch was afraid of water because she would melt? Well, that would describe the "leader" of our herd, Eddie.
Right..... he is the leader.....leader of the herd......the dominent one......big Kahuna........but, the secret is out......
Now, I know that I have supposedly been through a lot - being left in that big wooded lot and all. But, if only my new family understood that it probably made me a wee bit braver. So, I was okay, pretty lonely, but I made it through. "Cuz here I am, in my new home that I love ('cuz man do they give good treats!)
Anyway, I learned that rain, wind, snow and all that other good stuff isn't too bad. But, my family seems to think we should all be safe and dry in our stalls when it is pouring out. We do get lots of hay and we are all together - so it isn't too bad.
But come on people!!!!!
It is just a little bit 'o water! WE WILL NOT MELT! I assure you, I have tried it.
Scout just is happy hanging wherever the gang is; but man, Eddie is the king of wimps when it comes to rain!
Me, I was a pretty cranky camper yesterday and this morning since we had to be in and I made sure my new family knew it. I was pawing, jumping up, and make a general ruckus to let them know that I REALLY CAN PUT UP WITH THE RAIN.
So, I know that "they" know I am just fine in the rain and mud; but somehow I don't think that things are going to change when it rains. "They" want us safe and dry. And I guess that is okay. I will get used to it. I know it is just because they love us.
BUT....... I think I am the leader during the rainy days. Now I just have to get Eddie to believe it and my new family.
Stay dry until next time!
Remember the part of the Wizard of Oz where the wicked witch was afraid of water because she would melt? Well, that would describe the "leader" of our herd, Eddie.
Right..... he is the leader.....leader of the herd......the dominent one......big Kahuna........but, the secret is out......
Now, I know that I have supposedly been through a lot - being left in that big wooded lot and all. But, if only my new family understood that it probably made me a wee bit braver. So, I was okay, pretty lonely, but I made it through. "Cuz here I am, in my new home that I love ('cuz man do they give good treats!)
Anyway, I learned that rain, wind, snow and all that other good stuff isn't too bad. But, my family seems to think we should all be safe and dry in our stalls when it is pouring out. We do get lots of hay and we are all together - so it isn't too bad.
But come on people!!!!!
It is just a little bit 'o water! WE WILL NOT MELT! I assure you, I have tried it.
Scout just is happy hanging wherever the gang is; but man, Eddie is the king of wimps when it comes to rain!
Me, I was a pretty cranky camper yesterday and this morning since we had to be in and I made sure my new family knew it. I was pawing, jumping up, and make a general ruckus to let them know that I REALLY CAN PUT UP WITH THE RAIN.
So, I know that "they" know I am just fine in the rain and mud; but somehow I don't think that things are going to change when it rains. "They" want us safe and dry. And I guess that is okay. I will get used to it. I know it is just because they love us.
BUT....... I think I am the leader during the rainy days. Now I just have to get Eddie to believe it and my new family.
Stay dry until next time!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
New video!
Here's a new video of Diesel running around today! It was so cute!!! Scout ran with him a little bit, then thought the grass was better than running. He was so happy and it was so funny to watch!
What a silly dude!
What a silly dude!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Itchy - Itchy - Itchy!!!!!
Diesel has become quite a little character – in a very good way, of course! He has been with us now for almost 12 weeks. His ability to trust amazes me every day. Knowing now what his story is in his short little lifetime, explains his little horsenality! I do believe, at heart, he is a left brain introvert with some extrovert tendencies thrown in ~~ when he wants to, of course! He has become playful, more trusting, relaxed, and is just enjoys being with a herd again, and being allowed to just be who he is.
We have no expectations from him. We are showing him the Parelli 7 games and he is smart as a whip! He gets it! Now, motivating him to “want” to play is where it becomes fun.
Diesel loves sweet feed! It has been our way to, shall we say, encourage him over these past weeks. You need to catch him, shake the sweet feed bucket. You need to halter him, shake the bucket. You need to groom him, shake the bucket. You want to work on his feet, yep – shake the bucket. He loves the stuff!
But, just this past week, we have discovered something even more alluring than sweet feed. Diesel has an itchy spot!!! Several itchy spots actually! You stand next to him put an arm over his back and start to itch up and down his scapula and he is in heaven!!! He will follow you anywhere once you start’a scratchin!!
So, just when we thought the only way to Diesel’s heart was through his stomach, now we know the itchy spot is even more powerful!!!
Amazing how a little love, comfort, and fun can totally transform an animal!
Itchy, itchy Diesel! We love you!!!
We have no expectations from him. We are showing him the Parelli 7 games and he is smart as a whip! He gets it! Now, motivating him to “want” to play is where it becomes fun.
Diesel loves sweet feed! It has been our way to, shall we say, encourage him over these past weeks. You need to catch him, shake the sweet feed bucket. You need to halter him, shake the bucket. You need to groom him, shake the bucket. You want to work on his feet, yep – shake the bucket. He loves the stuff!
But, just this past week, we have discovered something even more alluring than sweet feed. Diesel has an itchy spot!!! Several itchy spots actually! You stand next to him put an arm over his back and start to itch up and down his scapula and he is in heaven!!! He will follow you anywhere once you start’a scratchin!!
So, just when we thought the only way to Diesel’s heart was through his stomach, now we know the itchy spot is even more powerful!!!
Amazing how a little love, comfort, and fun can totally transform an animal!
Itchy, itchy Diesel! We love you!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sister Helping out...
I helped Lea with Diesel's feet this morning and he was fantastic! Lea got to pick up 3 feet, clean them out, and rasp them! Mike came out last Friday and Diesel is improving with him each time. Diesel's front feet look so pretty all trimmed up!
Lea has made so much progress with this little guy! He isn't so afraid anymore and is starting to ask questions and be curious. But that also comes with the idea of "I don't want to, I'd rather eat grass!" He sure is a cute little Left-Brained Introvert and it make me chuckle...
That's all for now!
Lea has made so much progress with this little guy! He isn't so afraid anymore and is starting to ask questions and be curious. But that also comes with the idea of "I don't want to, I'd rather eat grass!" He sure is a cute little Left-Brained Introvert and it make me chuckle...
That's all for now!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Four out of Four
All four feet! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diesel was fabulous today. I was able to pick up all four feet, clean them out, and rasp them off with the rasp. I didn't take that much off, but his feet are looking a whole lot better. Thanks to the friendly game I can pick up all four! What an amazing accomplishment!
Diesel -
I looked up at Scout. I blinked. Lea was on top of him. She had my lead line and was encouraging me to go. What kind of session is this? She rode Scout around the outdoor and I dragged behind. Do I have to do this? Scout started trotting and I reluctantly trotted after him. At least I had my buddy, so I guess the session wasn't too bad. I sniff Lea's feet and she giggled. Maybe these humans aren't so bad after all... The people who had me before cared nothing for my dignity. But these guys seem to want to preserve it. I think I can get used to this...
7 weeks in the making. I can't wait for the future.
All four feet! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diesel was fabulous today. I was able to pick up all four feet, clean them out, and rasp them off with the rasp. I didn't take that much off, but his feet are looking a whole lot better. Thanks to the friendly game I can pick up all four! What an amazing accomplishment!
Diesel -
I looked up at Scout. I blinked. Lea was on top of him. She had my lead line and was encouraging me to go. What kind of session is this? She rode Scout around the outdoor and I dragged behind. Do I have to do this? Scout started trotting and I reluctantly trotted after him. At least I had my buddy, so I guess the session wasn't too bad. I sniff Lea's feet and she giggled. Maybe these humans aren't so bad after all... The people who had me before cared nothing for my dignity. But these guys seem to want to preserve it. I think I can get used to this...
7 weeks in the making. I can't wait for the future.
Monday, May 25, 2009
I cannot say how thankful I am! You really helped me out with Diesel.
Little Diesel was watching this new guy with weary eyes. What do you want? He held out his hand and I sniffed it. Oop, no way! You smell like a predator! I turned around the other way and pulled. The girl I learned to trust, pulled me back. I guess that was the wrong answer. The guy tried to rub me, but I pulled back. No way! He took my line and continued to rub me. There was something interesting about this guy. He released when I stopped fussing and seemed to talk my language. I didn't like when he held my feet, but these two, the girl and this guy, had something about them. They were different then those people who tried to rope me.
They continued to pick up my feet, release when I stopped and rubbed me continuously. He picked up my back feet and after a while of pulling I gave in. These humans would have eaten me by now if they were predators. Maybe I can trust them
All four feet were picked up and rasped off.
I thought we wouldn't be able to do it, but the power of LOVE, LANGUAGE and LEADERSHIP really shone through to me. I continue to learn more every day about wild horses, extroverted horses, introverted horses. I never want to stop! Lord willing, I want to go all the way.
It's like I knew we need to plunge into the friendly game (see last post) but I never did. Diesel and Mike showed me just how important it is. Things we often take for granted, like rubbing the hind quarters, can mean so much to a little, wild pony.
I continued to do a session with him tonight and I was able to rub both his back legs without him caring. If you were watching Mike and I today, you would know that it was a BIG deal.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
An Inner Game of Confidence
What is the first game? What is it's second name?
The Friendly Game & The Confidence Game
When I groomed Diesel yesterday it really put those two things into perspective. I realized that all my grooming was a desensitization and he was getting really good with it. I was also able to pick out Diesel's front feet, sand them off, and his back left and sand that one off too. Then we worked with picking up his back right. It wasn't terrible, he didn't kick at all (I don't think he's a kicker) and I was able to hold it with my hands for a few seconds. When I go to pick it up he always takes a step back, so I have to friendly it more. Desensitization! =-D
I could see his wheels turning the entire time. He was licking and chewing and was really getting into the concept. I remember my mom saying, "Cookies don't work for him, they make him too *she shakes her hands* crazy." I smile now because that is so true. This RBI doesn't need cookies. He needs a release. That why I feel so good about taking him on. He needs a Level 3 student. Colt starting is a Level 4 and beyond endeavour, and he is pretty close to the term 'colt starting.' He's small, and hasn't been handled for a year, maybe more...
I felt like yesterday we really bonded. I understood him, and in return he understood me. We were on the same page, just turning them one step at a time.
The Friendly Game & The Confidence Game
When I groomed Diesel yesterday it really put those two things into perspective. I realized that all my grooming was a desensitization and he was getting really good with it. I was also able to pick out Diesel's front feet, sand them off, and his back left and sand that one off too. Then we worked with picking up his back right. It wasn't terrible, he didn't kick at all (I don't think he's a kicker) and I was able to hold it with my hands for a few seconds. When I go to pick it up he always takes a step back, so I have to friendly it more. Desensitization! =-D
I could see his wheels turning the entire time. He was licking and chewing and was really getting into the concept. I remember my mom saying, "Cookies don't work for him, they make him too *she shakes her hands* crazy." I smile now because that is so true. This RBI doesn't need cookies. He needs a release. That why I feel so good about taking him on. He needs a Level 3 student. Colt starting is a Level 4 and beyond endeavour, and he is pretty close to the term 'colt starting.' He's small, and hasn't been handled for a year, maybe more...
I felt like yesterday we really bonded. I understood him, and in return he understood me. We were on the same page, just turning them one step at a time.
Monday, May 18, 2009
No Brace
Diesel stood by the gate waiting for me. I crawled through the fence and waited for him to come to me. He walked over and I rubbed his face. Scout came over on his other side and stood by waiting for his scratch. I rubbed Diesel's neck and let the lead rope fall over his other side. I took the end and that was the first time I could get near him, halter him without any brace. I haltered with savvy and clipped the 12 on his halter. Wow! He didn't even flinch. I preceded to let Scout on the pasture and I worked with Diesel's feet. I rubbed his legs and sanded his hoovsies off.
No brace,
no problem!
If you don't force there's no resistance!
No brace,
no problem!
If you don't force there's no resistance!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Patience meets Understanding
As I gazed at this little pony standing in his buddy's stall I sighed. I had to tip my hat to him because he had given me a workout. It all started when I had picked up his front feet. He didn't seem to mind, he pulled back and hopped around a bit, but it's only been 2 weeks since he came here. I leaned against the stall and squatted down to his height. He seemed to be thanking me for something. I had tried to pick up his back feet and that was very hard then. But his little black, blissful eyes blinked slowly. It seemed to me that he was thanking me for not getting mad. That I had given him time to think and I didn't yell, or get frustrated. He sighed and licked his lips. The universal way of thinking. I stood back up and reached down his forearm. He pulled back and I waited. He lifted it slowly and I backed up. My way of saying 'thank you.' Tried again and he did it again. This time I held it for a minute. Then I backed up and gave him a reward.
He's getting the idea that when he gets his feet picked up nothing will happen.
It's going to take time... and patience... and understanding...
He's getting the idea that when he gets his feet picked up nothing will happen.
It's going to take time... and patience... and understanding...
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