Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Catch Me if You Can!

This is Diesel.
I have found a new game!
And it is FUN!

So, the humans put me in the same paddock as the bi-colored wonder. (aka Scout)
 Then I sneak through the fence...

And get in with the monochromatic hypochondriac.

And he chases me!
So I kick him with my powerful little distal appendages!

Then the quiet human scolds the Edward, and I get to run back into my pen.
It's like a game of tag.

But I always win.

The End!

Friday, July 9, 2010

A New Friendship

Well, I have not been here in some time. And that is a good thing! Only because things are going along really well and Diesel is just being allowed to be Diesel! Diesel is really doing great. I think that is because we have no expectations from him. We have decided that "doing" specific tasks are something he finds intimidating. So, we have come to enjoy long walks all around the property and that is really helping him connect to us. I think he see a purpose for being with us.
He and Eddie have struck up quite a keen friendship. We have always put Diesel with Scout since Scout was the easier going in the herd. They always got along great and Scout doesn't ever "pick" on Diesel because he is so much smaller. But Diesel has had other ideas.
When the herd is dry lotted, Diesel and Scout are right next to each other, so we would very often open up the gate that separates them and they would be together. Well, Diesel can then get easily over to Eddie. The two of them would play through the fence. It was really something to watch. They seem to have formed quite an attachment. So much so, that Diesel started to walk and wiggle through the fence and we would find him in Eddie's dry lot.....with Eddie!
They would nap together, Diesel would eat Eddie's hay with him. It is really rather amusing.
Now, the whole reason we always kept Diesel and Eddie separated was because Eddie is almost 16 hands and Diesel is 9. Eddie is the herd leader and VERY playful. So, a few times when they accidentally got together, Eddie would want to "play." We were worried that Eddie's play might inadvertently hurt Diesel. So, we, us humans, decided they should be separated. Diesel thought differently.
So, almost everyday, Diesel slips through the fence and there they are together. We keep a watchful eye, but so far-so good!
So, the mostly unlikely friendships can form when you least expect them!
Way to go Diesel. You know exactly what YOU need! :o)
Hope to keep you updated more regularly on the life and times of our little mini hinny!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I love my walks!

Yes, Diesel loves his walks!

Lea, the quiet and shy one comes up to halter me. She slips it over my nose, and gently lifts it behind my ears. I love how gentle these people are.
She opens my gate and leads me out to the yard, where I graze and munch on some clover. But she has one thing that makes me REALLY interested!
Her treat bag.
She wiggles it and I lift up my head.

MMmmmm.......... Pure BLISS!

sweet feed.

My favorite!!!!!!!!

So I eat some more grass, before we go on a walk. Through the pine trees, under the wahoo trees, through the mosquitoes, and then through some bushes too.
I love these walks and they make me so interested.
Then she wiggles that treat bag again...


More sweet feed!

I love it.

I love these peoples!
