What a cutie bug!
We have been trying to play in the outdoor arena lately. Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes....it just goes. We have been playing the catching game. I attempt to "hide his hiney" and once he puts two eyes on me I relax into "neutral." Hopefully, he comes over to me and when he does he gets a treat. Then, hopefully, he will "stick with me" and we will go and do different things.
So, sometimes it goes well and he is interested and SO playful and then other times he sort of shuts down like he is afraid. So, we have decided to let that rest for a while and just take long walks around the property. THAT, he really seems to enjoy. So that it shall be.
I have always said that I hope to really find Diesel's joy. I think I have. He is so content to be with this herd, get treats out of my coat pocket, lots of scratches and love, a nice pile of hay, and a good long walk. So that is what we will do.
Until, he changes his mind and decides he would like to do something else!
And that is just fine with me.
Along with Scott and the girls, he is my joy! My only goal is to return the favor!