Four out of Four
All four feet! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diesel was fabulous today. I was able to pick up all four feet, clean them out, and rasp them off with the rasp. I didn't take that much off, but his feet are looking a whole lot better. Thanks to the friendly game I can pick up all four! What an amazing accomplishment!
Diesel -
I looked up at Scout. I blinked. Lea was on top of him. She had my lead line and was encouraging me to go. What kind of session is this? She rode Scout around the outdoor and I dragged behind. Do I have to do this? Scout started trotting and I reluctantly trotted after him. At least I had my buddy, so I guess the session wasn't too bad. I sniff Lea's feet and she giggled. Maybe these humans aren't so bad after all... The people who had me before cared nothing for my dignity. But these guys seem to want to preserve it. I think I can get used to this...
7 weeks in the making. I can't wait for the future.